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An engine is required for each train. Engine can only be swapped before the game starts. The game is over when the engine crashes.

For balancing reasons, engines have different stats, such as max wagon capacity, Water Capacity, and initial speed at the start of a biome.

The max wagon count increases by 1 for each Biome completed, except for Spectral Express.


Hydro Coaler

The Hydro Coaler Engine is a time-honored choice for railway construction. It features an essential water tank that requires regular filling to prevent overheating.

Start Speed: 1st station

Max wagons:: 5

Water capacity: 60.0s

This is the default starter engine.

Toy Engine

A toy engine for those seeking stress relief. In the event of a crash, the engine always restarts from the last station and savestates can be loaded multiple times.

Start Speed: 1st station

Max wagons:: 4

Water capacity: 60.0s

Infinite lives, When crashing you restart at the last station.

Pusher Engine

An engine that can be placed anywhere in the train configuration!

Start Speed: 4th station

Max wagons:: 6

Water capacity: 40.0s

It is fine to crash the first wagon (unless that wagon is essential).

Spectral Express

An ethereal engine that allows passing through. It also adds an extension slot with a ghost extension to each attached wagon and another one every two biomes. It however does not grow beyond the initial number of attachable wagons.

Start Speed: 2nd station

Max wagons:: 5

Water capacity: 40.0s

Players can pass through the engine similar to a Ghost Wagon. All wagons start with 4 extension slots with a free Ghost extension in the first slot. Wagons gain an additional extension slot for each 2 Biomes completed. Train length is capped at 5 wagons and does not increase when completing a Biome.