Tools & Commodities

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There are three tools in unrailed that are provided at the start of each level. All tools can be thrown around and they all count towards the "Don't hold any tool for 20 seconds" task.


Axe is a tool provided to chop down trees to obtain wood. To chop a tree, simply facing a tree while holding the axe. There is no need to press any button.

Chopping speed can be increased using the Turbo-Axe cartridge. Multitool cartridge can be equipped to mine rocks with reduced efficiency. Brute Force cartridge can be equipped when mining or chopping to hit multiple resources at the same time.

When hitting NPCs, each hit deals 1 damage.


Pickaxe is a tool provided to mine rocks to obtain iron. To mine a rock, simply facing a tree while holding the axe. There is no need to press any button.

Mining speed can be increased using the Turbo-Pickaxe cartridge. Multitool cartridge can be equipped to chop trees with reduced efficiency. Brute Force cartridge can be equipped when mining or chopping to hit multiple resources at the same time.

When hitting NPCs, each hit deals 1 damage.


Bucket can be used to extinguish wagons that are on fire or wagons that are heated up. To fill the bucket with water, the player needs to be facing a water block. Unlike Unrailed! 1, the player needs to press the pickup button while facing a wagon to pour water on it.

While holding the bucket and facing an animal, the player can fill the bucket with milk without needing to use the Milk Wagon. To consume the milk, the player needs drop the bucket on the ground and then press the pickup button. This will consume the milk without picking up the bucket. In other words, a bucket filled with milk cannot be picked up unless the milk is consumed first. The player holding the milk can also feed the other players by facing them and then press the pickup button.

When the player has a throwing cartridge:

  • If the bucket is empty, the bucket can be thrown into the hands of other players, or a Milk Wagon, or a Carriage Wagon.
  • If the bucket is filled with water, the bucket can be thrown into any of the above, or onto a wagon or the engine that is on fire or heated up. When thrown onto a wagon or the engine, the bucket will reappear in the hands of the player after the throw.
  • If the bucket is filled with milk, the bucket can be thrown onto wagons or the engine to cool them, or onto players to feed them. The bucket will reappear in the hands of the player after the throw.



Wood is one of the key resources required to craft tracks. It can also be used to build bridges over water. Some wagons may consume wood to activate.


Iron is one of the key resources required to craft tracks. Some wagons may consume iron to activate.

Compressed resources

Compressed resources can be crafted using the Compactor Wagon or produced by deers. Each compressed resource acts as 5 regular resources when placed in wagons. This means you can load a dynamite wagon with a single iron, and it will produce 5 dynamites before needing to reload.

Compressed resources cannot stack with regular resources in player's hands or when placed on the ground (unless dropped by deers).

When used for bridging, neighbouring water tiles are automatically bridged if possible.