Boxcar Bayou Biome
Can be pushed by dashing into it. Puffs up when hit.
Mushrooms are idle terrain elements with 1 hp that when hit by a anything creates an explosion with a radius of 5m. The explosion will also trigger other mushrooms within the radius to explode, causing a chain reaction. When dashing right next to a mushroom, the mushroom moves in the directly the player dashes. It is recommended that players hit the mushroom with a tool and then calmly move away to avoid being killed by the Mushroom's explosion.
Spins spiderweb along its path. Stepping on it alerts the spider to your presence.
The spider is a hostile animal that walks around and places spiderwebs behind itself as it moves. Commodities and rails cannot be placed on the spider web, and player movement speed is greatly reduced. Spiderwebs can be broken with 1 hit using any tool, or be set on fire with the Torch Cartridge while not holding any tool. If a spiderweb is set on fire, the fire will spread to nearby spiderwebs and spiders. It is strongly recommended for the miners to kill all spiders near the main path.
If a player walks directly in front of a spider, the spider will attack jump on the player and form a cocoon. The spider is destroyed in the process and fail the "kill no animals" task if it is active. The cocoon locks the player in place for 15 seconds. However, if player tries to shake loose by move around while being trapped, the player can break free in just 3 seconds. Note that the spider does not attack players that aren't moving.
The archenemy of the spider. Ridable and milkable.
The frog is a non-hostile milkable animal with 9 hp that acts as a defensive turret and will shooting at spiders and webs in an area around it. If the frog is scared (by players sprinting or running near it), the frog will hop to a location 2-3 tiles away until it is not near a player. Players can 'sneak' up to a frog by slowly walking towards it to pick it up. The frog still shoots at spiders and webs while it is picked up.
Boss Fight
Cocoons all players who aren't staying still.

The spider queen is Boxcar Bayou's boss fight. During this fight, a spider crawls across the top of the level and will periodically attempt to snare the players in an entanglement of webs.
When the boss is about to attack, it will first stop moving, then a red exclamation mark will be displayed above its head. If the player moves after the red exclamation mark is shown, the boss will shoot a web only around players that have moved. Players not holding any tool will also be trapped in cocoons. After the web is fired, the boss will not attempt to attack again for this round. Otherwise, if no one moves, the boss will resume crawling action.
One strategy is when the boss stops moving, all players must stop at once (no chopping either), then wait for 5 seconds. If players do not wish to stand still and wait, another strategy is to let a player run around behind the train while the boss is searching, luring it to attack and ending the search phase early.
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