Cargo Canyon Biome
While the other biomes all have "unbreakable" terrain, in this level all terrain can be mined down. The hard walls can now be mined with tools in 30 hits, so if necessary, time can be spent clearing out one-block wide gaps to create a path for train management. Additionally, the Torpedo Wagon can be used to instantly destroy the canyon walls in this biome.
Nibbles on players entering its comfort zone. Ridable and milkable.
Crocodile is a non-hostile milkable animal with 9 hp. It sometimes gets in the way of the players but certainly poses no thread, unlike what the handbook suggests.
Destroys rocks and trees with ease, and even players who move too fast.
The Sandworm will automatically target and follow players for a brief moment after they dash or activates the Power Stomp Cartridge. 5 seconds after being aggravated, the Sandworm will emerge from the ground, destroying anything in a 3x3 radius around its target location, even destroying the hard canyon walls in 1 hit. Using this mechanic, you can lure the sandworm to have it instantly break certain walls instead of having to mine them yourself, allowing you to gain access to otherwise inaccessible areas, or to quickly creating space for the train.
If the sandworm's nest is destroyed, which can only be done by luring it right next to the nest, it will no longer spawn.
Boss Fight
Sandworm Supervisor
If you step on the wrong tile, this boss takes down an entire patch of the map with it.
In the Sandworm Supervisor boss fight, there is only one safe path to the station that is predetermined when the level is generated. When player stands on any tile not on the safe path, the tile rumbles and triggers the boss to appear after 10 seconds. When the boss appears, it destroyed all unsafe ground near its spawn location as well as all tiles that are rumbling that were stepped on by the player even if those tiles are not connected to the boss's spawn location. Players near the boss's spawn location are instantly killed, and players standing on the unsafe ground and is far away from the boss spawn location are teleported to the nearest undistorted location.
It is important for miners to scout ahead checking which ground is safe and which ground is unsafe. When the ground rumbles, the miner must immediately backtrack instead of advancing forward.
Note that naturally formed large empty areas or areas created by dynamite may appear safe to loop in but they may as well be totally unsafe
Note that the algorithm ensures that all water ponds are connected to the safe path. One solution is to follow the water ponds and bridge across them.
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